Eladbritic Admin replied

337 weeks ago

Person Of Interest Full Movie Hd Download

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a5c7b9f00b A billionaire software engineer and an ex-CIA agent team up to prevent crimes before they happen by using an Artificial Intelligence known"The Machine". At the same time they must survive being hunted by the Government and protect The Machine at all costs.
An ex-assassin and a wealthy programmer save lives via a surveillance AI that sends them the identities of civilians involved in impending crimes. However, the details of the crimes–including the civilians' roles–are left a mystery.
There is a lot to talk about the "Person of interest". It is the best TV show I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of shows. I wish I wouldn't start to watching POI, because I become addicted. I mean it is amazing, it takes you from reality and puts you inside of the super story. The idea is great. The performance and the harmony of the actors is incredible. More specifically "team machine" (Finch, Reese, Root, Fusco) is very striking. I am Micheal Emerson fan. I would like to see these guys on TV very often, in different TV shows and movies. Hopefully it will last longer. POI deserves much more appreciation. 5 seasons is very short for POI. I wish it will be 8-9 seasons. Finally thanks to the creators and actors of POI for creating such epic TV show!!!
One thing I hate in it: it will be ended this year! The 'Person of Interest' is the best series I have ever seen. The full situation, the story the characters, the dramaturgy, even the Machine's eyes or Samaritan's eyes (the display of their cameras) are very realistic believable. OK, Reese and Shaw are a little bit too perfect killers (but not invulnerable – that's OK). And Root! – Root is a very nice autodidact one man CIA (nice on the second power :-) ), I laugh a lot of her sophisticated jokes! And Harold's character is fantastic! Smart, polite, intelligent, peaceable real genius – but when it necessary his mind is a blade which solves the issues like that of Alexander the Great's on the Gordian knot. He is a dream! And not to forget the main actresses, and actors, they are excellent, and were very good choices. Congratulations all of them! Hats off in front of them! (As the Hungarian says.) This series were getting better year by year and more exciting. So in the end I can say the same: One thing I hate in it: it will be ended this year. :-(

In Season 3, this was modified to have solid lines instead of dashed ones from the left and right corners to the crosshairs above and below them, with a central target similar to that of the vehicle box. It is not known if the colour changes based on the occupants.<br/><br/>Airplanes and helicopters under normal operation receive a green triangle along with flight number and airport codes.<br/><br/>Aircraft under imminent threat or transporting software considered a threat to the Machine are assigned a red triangle instead of green. (<a href="/title/tt3364202/">4C (2014)</a>, <a href="/title/tt3547404/">RAM (2014)</a>).<br/><br/>The Machine can also recognize celestial objects suchMars,(<a href="/title/tt2832792/">God Mode (2013)</a>). and can access satellite imagery to track air traffic or individual planes.<br/><br/>The Machine monitors areas around potential terrorist targets, suchsky lanes, shipping lanes, and major railroads,(<a href="/title/tt2562804/">Dead Reckoning (2013)</a>). Exclusion zones are coded in white or red, which may represent a threat appraisal, or the value of the target.<br/><br/>To evaluate strategies, the Machine simulates some of the possible future scenarios. During these simulations the boxes appear in a usual way, but it can simplify parts of these simulations in order to save time. In these cases the boxes appear with a simplified style.Harold Finch owned (owns?) the tech company (called IFT) that built The Machine. He's a tech genius and possibly set up the company when he was younger with fellow M.I.T. classmate Nathan Ingram. The company then expanded and grew from there like many other "dot-coms", (think Bill Gates and Microsoft), eventually becoming a tech billionaire. In an episode of the second season, Carter asks Reese to tell her more about what they do and how they get their numbers. Reese replied that everyone who knows the secret has lost everything in their life andCarter has a son, Taylor, it's best for her not to know. Carter never asked him again.<br/><br/>In Season 3, however, Carter admits to Finch, before she dies she guesses that they get their information through a computer searching government feeds. She was able to figure this out on her own, hence why she never really asked too many questions.<br/><br/>Fusco was forced into tracking down numbers with Reese via blackmail when it was discovered he was a dirty cop. As such, he knows not to ask many questions & dohe's told.<br/><br/>As the series progressed Fusco would later build a friendship with the rest of the team, and is shown to enjoy helping people. Despite the machine, Samritan and several related topics being said around him, he never asks too many questionshe doesn't seem to care, due to the fact that he has rediscovered the joys of being a cop and helping people again.<br/><br/>In series 5 Fusco is official filled in on the whole thing, but is not deterred from helping Reese and Finch in there mission to take down Samaritan. He even tells Reese, in the penultimate episode of the series, he is grateful for the chance to redeem himself that he has been given. Both theses questions go unanswered, however John's military fileseen in the episode "Many Happy Returns" shows his middle name begins with a H and his last name ends with an S. Also, in episode 18 of Season 1 "Identity Crisis" Harold, under the influence of ecstacy says "Goodnight Nathan" suggesting Jonhs real name is Nathan. Furthermore in the series final a tombstone shows the name John Tal… weather Harold paid for John to be buried under his real name is unknown. As for for Harold, his name will always be a mysteryhe is "a very private person".
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last edited 259 weeks ago by Eladbritic
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