a5c7b9f00b In the pandemic thriller, Patient Zero, humanity is battling intelligent, adrenaline-fueled creatures born from a viral super-strain. After being bitten, human survivor Morgan (Matt Smith) realizes he is asymptomatic and can communicate with the infected, leading the last survivors on a hunt for Patient Zero and a cure. After an unprecedented global pandemic turns the majority of humankind into violent &quot;Infected,&quot; a man gifted with the ability to speak the Infected&#39;s new language leads the last survivors on a hunt for Patient Zero and a cure. The names attached are alluring. Natalie Dormer, Matt Smith, Stanley Tucci and Jon Snows best friend. However, from minute one you are forced to listen to jarring accents which often leave you laughing rather than listening. Matt Smiths American accent… I live in Manchester, UK. I am no means a judge of American accents but why cast a British person in a role of an American with such a strange accent. The accents plus the dialogue leave much to be desired and there is times in which some lines are actually added into the film without the character moving the lips. A scene in which Natalie Dormer and Matt Smith, she is hugging him from behind and says &quot;Lets go&quot; Keep an eye out for her lips. The story isn&#39;t there, it really isnt a story at all. There is no surprises. It feels more like a good High school play then a movie. Quite honestly the ending is the best bit about this film,you can tell they didnt have an actual plan on how it would end. But when it does, its so abrupt its actually funny. Comedic value 10! everything else 0. This is my first IMDB review. I chose this film to be my first because I have read a lot of reviews that say it&#39;s a bad movie. If you like the &quot;zombie&quot; movie genre, then you will not be disappointed with this movie. I&#39;ll admit no one is going to win an Oscar for this movie, but I f you take it at face value, it is definitely one of the better films like this made for awhile.<br/><br/>Spoiler alert!!!!!! If your looking for Romero style slow zombies your out of luck. These people are &quot;infected&quot; and contract the mutated rabies infection from bites from other infected. There are no decomposing bodies dragging entrails around.<br/><br/>For what it is its worth, it&#39;s worth a watch. The acting is better than most movies of its kind. The special effects are not cheesy CGI half decomposed bodies. The story is a twist on the traditional zombpocalypse movie. I hope this helps true fans of the genre.
Eladbritic Admin replied
337 weeks ago