646f9e108c In late 19th Century Hong Kong the British may rule the land, but the pirates rule the waters. Reluctantly, the Coast Guard is given money to fight these pirates, but the pirates themselves have many contacts (that is, bribed officials) in the government, and seek to thwart the Coast Guard&#39;s efforts to eliminate them. One Coast Guard officer is Dragon Ma, who is determined that his beloved Coast Guard will not be made fools of. Fighting against pirates in &quot;old Hong Kong&quot;. Chinese costume drama with plenty of over-the-top tongue in cheek action and music. A good classic flick! Lots of fun, with great characters, and of course the humor, fighting and wonderful stuntwork that make Jackie&#39;s films so much fun! The clock tower sequence is truly amazing, and the villain rules! The three brothers pull off another great ensemble effort, and check out the bike chase! Just a funny, inventive movie! Pirate Patrol is clearly one of the best and funniest of this film-series with Jackie Chan. It&#39;s exciting &amp; funny at the same time and manages to combine this two elements in a successfully way. I remember I saw most of this movies back in the late 80&#39;s, and thought they was amusinghell. The sequel of this one is also good.<br/><br/>(8 out of 10)
Eladbritic Admin replied
337 weeks ago